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JUDAS PRIEST - Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024)

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JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) Empty JUDAS PRIEST - Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024)

Message par merci foule fête Mar 12 Mar 2019, 14:00

Ils remettent ça. C'est Halford qui le dit:

Robinou a écrit:On what a JUDAS PRIEST show circa 2019 looks like:

Rob: "It's what this band has been doing for pretty much for 50 years now, which is you're out there working with your latest music. I call ourselves a 'working metal band' and what I mean by that is, it's all relevant to making yourself relevant. For as long as this band has been together, we've always gone out on these big worldwide treks supporting our latest music. This is like doing it again what we've done since 'Rocka Rolla' since 1974. It's remarkable, isn't it? It's absolutely remarkable and it's a blessing. It really is a blessing. Right now, when you see PRIEST, it's a bit like an event. If you believe in metal and you believe where it started, Birmingham, the Midlands, two bands, BLACK SABBATH and PRIEST and SABBATH is on a hiatus, we hope. PRIEST is still out there, doing what we do and taking you through the decades of metal. When we play Download [festival] we'll take you through 'Sad Wings Of Destiny' and 'Firepower' and everything in between."

On how he keeps his voice in shape:

Rob: "If I knew, I would be, like, 'It's a dollar! Take a sip each night.' I don't know what it is; I really don't know what it is. I think one of the big life-changing moments is when I quit my drinking and my drugs 33 years ago because vocals is a physical performance. You have to get your rest and have all the right components in place to be able to give the performance you can give either in the studio, but primarily, on the road. And the roadwork is grueling, as far as the travel. You notice when you go on a holiday, you take one flight and you're away from a week and you come home and you go 'I can't do that again. I need a year to recover.' Imagine doing that pretty much every other day for your life in 50-odd years. You do have to acclimatize and make the right adjustments for your physical performance in the voice. It's technique more than anything else."

On the touring cycle for their latest studio album, 2018's "Firepower":

Rob: "It's been phenomenal. You never know how a record is going to do. You can put your heart and soul into and it can [bomb]. You don't know. We believed in the music we were making. We had an incredible production team with Andy [Sneap], Tom [Allom] and Mike [Exeter], who did amazing work. Once your label is making all the preparation for it and the release is looming and the day is coming when it's going to drop, you really do not know what the reaction is going to be. Turns out to be one of the most successful JUDAS PRIEST records ever. All this incredible acclaim, critical acclaim and from our fans, it's a boost more than anything else. It gives us the inspiration, the motivation, to keep going into the 'metal future' as we call it. We're very grateful."

On the one thing that has "stayed the same" for PRIEST during the creation:

Rob: "I would say the dedication and the fact we don't slack off. We take anything for granted. We understand who we are and what we represent and the things we've achieved. When I say that, I mean that in the simple matter-of-fact of life in being in a heavy metal band called JUDAS PRIEST. So, you have to be on your toes. You can't afford to slack off. There's nothing worse than seeing a band and being disappointed if things aren't working right for whatever reason. When you see PRIEST now, it is an event and you're seeing the band at its top form."

On what keeps PRIEST going after nearly 50 years:

Rob: "It's hard to put that into words. It's definitely something internal — you can't switch it off. You really can't switch it off. At the end of a tour, you're absolutely so dog-tired, you want to go home and sleep in your bed. Two weeks later, you go 'I can't wait to be back on the road again. I can't wait to get back in the studio.' It's wonderful to still have that drive and that energy and to not be cynical or bitter or have any resentment or regrets. It's a great place of privilege to be in a band, especially if you're at the place as we are in PRIEST. As I said, we never take that for granted. Everything we do is based on this wonderful 'metal community' as we call it. The bands, the fans, everybody else looking out for each other. It's a great thing."

On what's next for PRIEST:

Rob: "I would say much of the same. The fact is, PRIEST is on a roll and we're on fire with this music and the reaction, the support from our fans and everybody is what gives you that thought of, 'What would happen if we wrote another song? Then another song? Then an album? We might as well go out and tour again.' It's a lot of things combined that really still keep us active and keep us to what's next to be done. Each PRIEST album, if you think about it, is by definition, has its own character and sound. 'British Steel' is light years away from 'Painkiller', which is light years away from 'Stained Class', which is light years away from 'Sad Wings Of Destiny' and 'Sin After Sin' and on and on and on. That's part of the intriguing part of PRIEST. We're always looking for a different kind of tilt to what we're about as a band in the next project of songs we're going to release. We're already thinking about that now. We had a meeting in the U.K. just before we came to Australia about planning the foreseeable future and I would say there's definitely a new PRIEST album on the way."


Les paris sont ouverts sur la date de sortie. 2020, ce serait déjà  beau.

Dernière édition par merci foule fête le Dim 08 Oct 2023, 22:42, édité 4 fois

"Be adult, be mature, but never be a grown-up" Dustin Hoffman
merci foule fête
merci foule fête
Sex, Drugs & Cyril Rool

Messages : 18249
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2014
Age : 50
Localisation : À l'est souvent et parfois complètement à l'ouest

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JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) Empty Re: JUDAS PRIEST - Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024)

Message par Pietro Mar 12 Mar 2019, 14:22

Si ils sont capables de faire aussi bien que sur Firepower, ils auraient tort de se priver ! :bmbeer:

JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) Fb_cou10

UNCHAINED - Only Half Alive

UNCHAINED - This is Hell
UNCHAINED - Black as your Soul
UNCHAINED - Conspiracy for Fools
UNCHAINED - The Great Disease (DRUM CAM)

Boutique en ligne UNCHAINED
Divid Coverdead

Messages : 10966
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2014
Age : 45
Localisation : Nissa la Bella


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JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) Empty Re: JUDAS PRIEST - Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024)

Message par Pietro Mar 23 Avr 2019, 10:52

Tipton a commencé à composer.

Asked in a new interview with "Do You Know Jack?" if fans can look forward to another PRIEST studio album in the not-too-distant future, Halford replied (hear audio below): "Absolutely. In fact, Glenn's back in the U.K. now making riffs and going through… We have massive archives of riffs. It never stops. That's the joy of PRIEST in terms of creativity — we never seem to slow down. And when you get a successful record like 'Firepower', that motivates you even further. Any band will tell you that. You feed off the energy of what your fans are giving you. You wanna see your fans again and you wanna bring your fans something different next time. So that means making another metal song, which, amplify that by 10 ideas, and you've got another album. So that's the plan. There will be another album from PRIEST in the very near future."

JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) Fb_cou10

UNCHAINED - Only Half Alive

UNCHAINED - This is Hell
UNCHAINED - Black as your Soul
UNCHAINED - Conspiracy for Fools
UNCHAINED - The Great Disease (DRUM CAM)

Boutique en ligne UNCHAINED
Divid Coverdead

Messages : 10966
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2014
Age : 45
Localisation : Nissa la Bella


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JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) Empty Re: JUDAS PRIEST - Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024)

Message par Pietro Mar 10 Sep 2019, 15:04

D'après Whitfield Crane, Glenn Tipton lui aurait proposé le poste de chanteur de Priest en 97 avant de se rabattre sur Ripper. Ça m'étonne un peu quand même.  :huh?:
Je crois que j'avais lu une interview de Devin Townsend qui disait la même chose pour lui.

UGLY KID JOE frontman Whitfield Crane claims that he was once asked to join JUDAS PRIEST.

The seemingly unlikely pairing came close to becoming a reality in the mid-1990s while PRIEST was searching for a replacement for longtime singer Rob Halford. Rob left the band in 1992, citing his desire to pursue outside projects. PRIEST recruited vocalist Tim "Ripper" Owens in 1996 and released two studio albums, 1997's "Jugulator" and 2001's "Demolition", before reuniting with Rob in 2003.

Asked in a new interview with Metal Rules, if he has ever been approached by any "really big bands" about joining them, Crane said: "JUDAS PRIEST. It was when [JUDAS PRIEST guitarist] Glenn Tipton was doing his 'Baptizm Of Fire' [1997 solo] record, and I got Shannon Larkin, [UGLY KID JOE's] then-drummer, to play on it. He played two songs and replaced some badass drummers on that because it was click-tracked. And Glenn pulled Shannon and me aside and said, 'You boys can have the PRIEST gig if you want it.' And Shannon and I were pretty much into PRIEST. I mean, we loved PRIEST. And we went, 'Ah!' And all I said was this, 'Say it again.' And Glenn's a pretty fucking brilliant — I mean, he goes, 'What do you fucking mean, 'Say it again'?' And I'm all, 'Just say it one time?' And he's, like, 'You can have the fucking PRIEST gig, mate.' And, well, I was thinking, we can't do it, because you can't be Rob Halford. You can't be David Lee Roth. It'd be cool, and considering my love for PRIEST, which is immense, that would have been cool to do it, but not really. It's not a good move. But to jam with Tipton and to know those guys — I mean, those are my fucking heroes. JUDAS PRIEST, I mean, fuck. But man, old-school PRIEST, Jesus, God. So, yeah, I got offered PRIEST, back in the day. I never said that to anyone."

JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) Fb_cou10

UNCHAINED - Only Half Alive

UNCHAINED - This is Hell
UNCHAINED - Black as your Soul
UNCHAINED - Conspiracy for Fools
UNCHAINED - The Great Disease (DRUM CAM)

Boutique en ligne UNCHAINED
Divid Coverdead

Messages : 10966
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2014
Age : 45
Localisation : Nissa la Bella


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JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) Empty Re: JUDAS PRIEST - Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024)

Message par Pietro Mer 18 Sep 2019, 17:11

Mon petit Rob adoré sort un nouvel album de Noël ! :lol: santa

JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) 795991

Without question, Rob Halford is one of heavy metal's all-time great vocalists — as heard through his highly influential and groundbreaking work with JUDAS PRIEST. But over his career, he has also proven able to master a variety of other styles vocally — including holiday-themed music. And in time for this holiday season, Halford will be releasing an all-new album, titled "Celestial", on October 18 via Legacy Recordings. A day later, he will be signing CD or LP purchases of the album at FYE Arizona Mills at 2:00 p.m in Tempe, Arizona. Details to follow closer to the event.

The album will also be available for pre-order on Rob's artist store — with exclusive merchandise and a limited, autographed metallic-gold color version of the vinyl.

Credited to ROB HALFORD WITH FAMILY & FRIENDS, the album mixes holiday classics with all-new compositions, and will appeal to lovers of traditional holiday music and headbangers alike.

"The great thing about heavy metal is it's got these kinds of multiple dimensions," explains the man also known as the Metal God. "I think when you look at it from an outside point of view — if you're not really familiar with the metal scene — it can look pretty intimidating. And it is a very strong, powerful experience. But it comes at different levels. I think the music that we've made on 'Celestial', for example, gives a display of that. Metal maniacs — as we call ourselves — are just as ready for the holidays as everybody else. And what we've tried to do with this music is to reach out to as many of those metal dimensions as we possibly can."

And judging from the ROB HALFORD WITH FAMILY & FRIENDS banner, "Celestial" sees Halford joined by a supporting cast of those very close to him — his brother (Nigel) on drums, his nephew on bass (Alex, son of PRIEST bassist Ian Hill), has sister (Sue) on bells, and twin guitar tandem of Robert Jones and Jon Blakey.

Once all the contributors were in place, Halford "went away and listened to a lot holiday music and Christmas carols. Traditional stuff. 12 tracks — including original tracks that I'm particularly excited about. And in that way, because of the dimensions of each song and the messages of each song, I think we cover a really broad platform. To me, more than anything, I wanted it to have its own characteristics and be a little bit more different than the regular rock 'n' roll Christmas album."

Halford has certainly accomplished this goal, as evidenced by such standout originals as the album-opening title track, "Donner And Blitzen", and "Protected By The Light", as well as reworkings of such holiday standards as "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen", "Joy To The World" and "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing", among other standouts. "'Donner And Blitzen' gets the snowball rolling for 'Celestial' — a song full of excitement, love and hope," says Rob. "You can hear and feel the power of Christmas time — energy roarin' with rockin' reindeers haulin'!

"I think the holidays for any family are a mixture of fun and excitement and apprehension of the whole event," he continues. "The magic of it more than anything else. It's just a beautiful time of year — which a lot of us wish would be for every day of the year. It's a beautiful thing as far as bringing families together. So, what better way to celebrate it than with your family, friends...and music. You must have music at Christmas time."

"Celestial" track listing:

01. Celestial [new song]
02. Donner And Blitzen [new song]
03. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
04. Away In A Manger
05. Morning Star [new song]
06. Deck The Halls
07. Joy To The World
08. O Little Town Of Bethlehem
09. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
10. The First Noel
11. Good King Wenceslas
12. Protected By The Light [new song]

The official music video for "Donner And Blitzen" can be seen below.

Edith a cherché, Donner et Blitzen sont deux des huit rennes du Père Noël. :) santa

Edith, toujours elle, m'indique que le batteur est le frère de Rob et le bassiste est son neveu, c'est-à dire le fils de sa sœur et de... Ian Hill. C'était l'instant people, je vous remercie de votre attention.

JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) Fb_cou10

UNCHAINED - Only Half Alive

UNCHAINED - This is Hell
UNCHAINED - Black as your Soul
UNCHAINED - Conspiracy for Fools
UNCHAINED - The Great Disease (DRUM CAM)

Boutique en ligne UNCHAINED
Divid Coverdead

Messages : 10966
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2014
Age : 45
Localisation : Nissa la Bella


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JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) Empty Re: JUDAS PRIEST - Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024)

Message par Pietro Jeu 26 Sep 2019, 16:46

Et KK Downing va remonter sur scène avec Ripper au chant, Les Binks à la batterie et Dave Ellefson à la basse !
Pour l'instant c'est pour une date unique, mais une collaboration Downing / Ripper sur album pourrait être sympa.

JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) 70900629_10162442949830061_8549921551389032448_n.jpg?_nc_cat=105&_nc_oc=AQkphBHp1YYKxr1Dllr1VUts9E72Hd7M4dgForWPussQdiIR9PY24Uuy2FWzCBG4shE&_nc_ht=scontent-frt3-1

Edith me signale que Ripper ne serait pas contre une tournée avec cette formation: TIM 'RIPPER' OWENS 'Would Love To' Do A Tour With K.K. DOWNING, LES BINKS

JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) Fb_cou10

UNCHAINED - Only Half Alive

UNCHAINED - This is Hell
UNCHAINED - Black as your Soul
UNCHAINED - Conspiracy for Fools
UNCHAINED - The Great Disease (DRUM CAM)

Boutique en ligne UNCHAINED
Divid Coverdead

Messages : 10966
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2014
Age : 45
Localisation : Nissa la Bella


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JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) Empty Re: JUDAS PRIEST - Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024)

Message par Pietro Ven 04 Oct 2019, 17:09

Nouvel extrait de l'album de Noël de Rob: santa

JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) Fb_cou10

UNCHAINED - Only Half Alive

UNCHAINED - This is Hell
UNCHAINED - Black as your Soul
UNCHAINED - Conspiracy for Fools
UNCHAINED - The Great Disease (DRUM CAM)

Boutique en ligne UNCHAINED
Divid Coverdead

Messages : 10966
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2014
Age : 45
Localisation : Nissa la Bella


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JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) Empty Re: JUDAS PRIEST - Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024)

Message par merci foule fête Ven 04 Oct 2019, 20:43

Par ailleurs, Robinou a déclaré qu'il dirait tout tout tout dans ses mémoires à paraître en 2020, même les trucs crades. On verra mais s'il tient parole, ça peut être croustillant.

"Be adult, be mature, but never be a grown-up" Dustin Hoffman
merci foule fête
merci foule fête
Sex, Drugs & Cyril Rool

Messages : 18249
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2014
Age : 50
Localisation : À l'est souvent et parfois complètement à l'ouest

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JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) Empty Re: JUDAS PRIEST - Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024)

Message par Pietro Lun 21 Oct 2019, 11:04

JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcStdyuJfINbQU5pdHPNl4Lt2ZnLJ2pzOMN8S4uYrwl9syiVPH2vXA

JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) Fb_cou10

UNCHAINED - Only Half Alive

UNCHAINED - This is Hell
UNCHAINED - Black as your Soul
UNCHAINED - Conspiracy for Fools
UNCHAINED - The Great Disease (DRUM CAM)

Boutique en ligne UNCHAINED
Divid Coverdead

Messages : 10966
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2014
Age : 45
Localisation : Nissa la Bella


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JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) Empty Re: JUDAS PRIEST - Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024)

Message par Dark S. Lun 21 Oct 2019, 12:14

J'ai écouté l'album et sans surprise c'est bien de la merde !! :lol:

Je sais qu'il est facétieux le Rob, qu'il aime s'amuser, mais quand même perdre du temps en studio pour ça je ne comprends pas. :huh?:

Dark S.
Dark S.

Messages : 3793
Date d'inscription : 26/09/2014
Localisation : Lost in Necropolis

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JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) Empty Re: JUDAS PRIEST - Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024)

Message par Pietro Lun 04 Nov 2019, 16:28

Pietro a écrit:Et KK Downing va remonter sur scène avec Ripper au chant, Les Binks à la batterie et Dave Ellefson à la basse !
Pour l'instant c'est pour une date unique, mais une collaboration Downing / Ripper sur album pourrait être sympa.

JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) 70900629_10162442949830061_8549921551389032448_n.jpg?_nc_cat=105&_nc_oc=AQkphBHp1YYKxr1Dllr1VUts9E72Hd7M4dgForWPussQdiIR9PY24Uuy2FWzCBG4shE&_nc_ht=scontent-frt3-1
C'était hier soir et ça a donné ça:

01. Riding On The Wind
02. The Green Manalishi (With The Two-Pronged Clown)
03. Hell Is Home
04. Running Wild
05. Beyond The Realms of Death
06. Exciter
07. Metal Gods
08. Burn In Hell
09. Before The Dawn
10. Between The Hammer And The Anvil
11. Hell Bent For Leather
12. Living After Midnight

13. Take On The World (with Thom Hazaert)
14. Breaking The Law (with Thom Hazaert)

Before the Dawn ! Shocked

D'autres extraits là : https://www.blabbermouth.net/news/watch-k-k-downing-les-binks-tim-ripper-owens-and-david-ellefson-perform-judas-priest-classics/

JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) Fb_cou10

UNCHAINED - Only Half Alive

UNCHAINED - This is Hell
UNCHAINED - Black as your Soul
UNCHAINED - Conspiracy for Fools
UNCHAINED - The Great Disease (DRUM CAM)

Boutique en ligne UNCHAINED
Divid Coverdead

Messages : 10966
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2014
Age : 45
Localisation : Nissa la Bella


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JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) Empty Re: JUDAS PRIEST - Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024)

Message par merci foule fête Mer 05 Fév 2020, 12:45

"Judas Priest est en studio pour son nouvel album

Rob Halford, Glenn Tipton et Richie Faulkner, membres de Judas Priest, ont commencé les sessions d’écriture officielles pour l’album du groupe qui succèdera à Firepower.
Hier, Richie Faulkner a tweeté une photo du trio en studio, et a inclus la légende suivante :

"Nous donnons naissance à de nouveaux bébés Metal. En pleine session d’écriture de Judas Priest avec le maître Tipton et le Metal God."

Le mois dernier, Richie Faulkner a déclaré qu’il avait “une tonne d’idées” pour le prochain album de Judas Priest. Il avait écrit :

"Glenn Tipton, Rob Halford et moi-même allons nous réunir le mois prochain pour commencer à mettre en place le nouvel album. J’ai une tonne d’idées sur lesquelles j’ai travaillé, on n’a plus qu’à se réunir et voir ce qu’on arrive à créer."


"Be adult, be mature, but never be a grown-up" Dustin Hoffman
merci foule fête
merci foule fête
Sex, Drugs & Cyril Rool

Messages : 18249
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2014
Age : 50
Localisation : À l'est souvent et parfois complètement à l'ouest

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JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) Empty Re: JUDAS PRIEST - Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024)

Message par merci foule fête Lun 10 Fév 2020, 12:38

KK Downing est revenu récemment sur le refus du groupe de faire apparaître "Reckless" sur la BO de Top Gun: https://www.metalzone.fr/news/125132-judas-priest-refuser-bande-son-top-gun-grosse-erreur

KK parle de "grosse erreur", mais le succès du film aurait pu aussi avoir un impact négatif sur la carrière de groupe, en tout cas sur sa manière de composer (en gros, on aurait pu avoir des Turbo II, III, IV pale ...). Blessing in disguise.

"Be adult, be mature, but never be a grown-up" Dustin Hoffman
merci foule fête
merci foule fête
Sex, Drugs & Cyril Rool

Messages : 18249
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2014
Age : 50
Localisation : À l'est souvent et parfois complètement à l'ouest

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JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) Empty Re: JUDAS PRIEST - Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024)

Message par Pietro Lun 10 Fév 2020, 14:29

On aurait peut être jamais eu Painkiller ! Shocked affraid
Le monde dans lequel nous vivons serait très différent...

JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) Fb_cou10

UNCHAINED - Only Half Alive

UNCHAINED - This is Hell
UNCHAINED - Black as your Soul
UNCHAINED - Conspiracy for Fools
UNCHAINED - The Great Disease (DRUM CAM)

Boutique en ligne UNCHAINED
Divid Coverdead

Messages : 10966
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2014
Age : 45
Localisation : Nissa la Bella


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JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) Empty Re: JUDAS PRIEST - Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024)

Message par Seosamh Lun 10 Fév 2020, 14:31

Il serait mieux, du coup.

"Considère qu'on n'est plus amis, Abitbol !" (moi)

Champion du Monde !!!

Messages : 3565
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2014
Age : 40
Localisation : Limoges

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JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) Empty Re: JUDAS PRIEST - Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024)

Message par Pietro Lun 10 Fév 2020, 14:40

JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) Tenor

JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) Fb_cou10

UNCHAINED - Only Half Alive

UNCHAINED - This is Hell
UNCHAINED - Black as your Soul
UNCHAINED - Conspiracy for Fools
UNCHAINED - The Great Disease (DRUM CAM)

Boutique en ligne UNCHAINED
Divid Coverdead

Messages : 10966
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2014
Age : 45
Localisation : Nissa la Bella


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JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) Empty Re: JUDAS PRIEST - Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024)

Message par merci foule fête Lun 10 Fév 2020, 14:55


"Be adult, be mature, but never be a grown-up" Dustin Hoffman
merci foule fête
merci foule fête
Sex, Drugs & Cyril Rool

Messages : 18249
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2014
Age : 50
Localisation : À l'est souvent et parfois complètement à l'ouest

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JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) Empty Re: JUDAS PRIEST - Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024)

Message par Thierry Mar 11 Fév 2020, 20:16

Et on n'aurait pas eu non plus la reprise de Death!!! :(

Maybe it's better for you, mankind, not to know... what's going on!

Sinon, parfois, j'écrivais ici ou là.
. Désormais, ça se passe ici: Lords of Chaos

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Date d'inscription : 28/09/2014
Age : 42
Localisation : Lot-et-Garonne

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JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) Empty Re: JUDAS PRIEST - Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024)

Message par Sven Jeu 13 Fév 2020, 11:38

Mouais... J'aurais préféré que l'album finisse sur A Moment Of Clarity, j'ai toujours trouvé que Painkiller gâchait un peu la fin de l'album...
Un peu comme si l'album de Control Denied finissait sur une reprise de Iron Maiden par exemple.
La reprise est bien exécutée, mais elle tombe comme un cheveu sur la soupe...

Autant musicalement ça se tient, autant quand on connaît le destin cruel de Chuck, ça semble totalement inapproprié (bien que le titre colle malgré tout...)

Je suis une outre!!! JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) 3653839486

Not giving a fuck is awesome!
Jon Lajoie
Doctor No Comprendo

Messages : 14920
Date d'inscription : 13/09/2014
Age : 42
Localisation : In The Crystal Mountain


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JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) Empty Re: JUDAS PRIEST - Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024)

Message par Pietro Ven 13 Mar 2020, 17:18

L'album de Caca Priest est déja enregistré !  Shocked  :huh?:

KK'S PRIEST's Debut Album 'Sounds Unbelievable,' Says TIM 'RIPPER' OWENS
JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) Kkspriestwithlogo2020_638

JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) Fb_cou10

UNCHAINED - Only Half Alive

UNCHAINED - This is Hell
UNCHAINED - Black as your Soul
UNCHAINED - Conspiracy for Fools
UNCHAINED - The Great Disease (DRUM CAM)

Boutique en ligne UNCHAINED
Divid Coverdead

Messages : 10966
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2014
Age : 45
Localisation : Nissa la Bella


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JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) Empty Re: JUDAS PRIEST - Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024)

Message par Pietro Dim 08 Nov 2020, 17:34

Tiens... :huh?:

DEEP PURPLE's DON AIREY Says He Played Bass On JUDAS PRIEST's 'Painkiller' Album

JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) Fb_cou10

UNCHAINED - Only Half Alive

UNCHAINED - This is Hell
UNCHAINED - Black as your Soul
UNCHAINED - Conspiracy for Fools
UNCHAINED - The Great Disease (DRUM CAM)

Boutique en ligne UNCHAINED
Divid Coverdead

Messages : 10966
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2014
Age : 45
Localisation : Nissa la Bella


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JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) Empty Re: JUDAS PRIEST - Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024)

Message par merci foule fête Lun 09 Nov 2020, 11:11

Curieux. Mais il doit se passer tellement de choses en studio qui ne se retrouvent pas dans les crédits, entre arrangements et coups de main, que ça ne m'étonne pas du tant que ça, finalement. Je ne serais pas très surpris qu'un jour on nous annonce que certains albums des 80's ont entièrement été enregistrés par des requins de studio sauf le chant, façon Franky goes to Hollywood. Certains musiciens admettent déjà qu'il était d'usage que les passages difficiles soient assurés en studio par des "pros"...

Dernière édition par merci foule fête le Sam 25 Sep 2021, 14:56, édité 1 fois

"Be adult, be mature, but never be a grown-up" Dustin Hoffman
merci foule fête
merci foule fête
Sex, Drugs & Cyril Rool

Messages : 18249
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2014
Age : 50
Localisation : À l'est souvent et parfois complètement à l'ouest

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JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) Empty Re: JUDAS PRIEST - Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024)

Message par Pietro Mar 10 Nov 2020, 19:01

JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) Kiss-compilations
On parle de nous ?

JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) Fb_cou10

UNCHAINED - Only Half Alive

UNCHAINED - This is Hell
UNCHAINED - Black as your Soul
UNCHAINED - Conspiracy for Fools
UNCHAINED - The Great Disease (DRUM CAM)

Boutique en ligne UNCHAINED
Divid Coverdead

Messages : 10966
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2014
Age : 45
Localisation : Nissa la Bella


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JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) Empty Re: JUDAS PRIEST - Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024)

Message par merci foule fête Mer 11 Nov 2020, 01:15

Gene Simmons a admis que ce n'était pas lui qui jouait sur les albums de Kiss ? Shocked

"Be adult, be mature, but never be a grown-up" Dustin Hoffman
merci foule fête
merci foule fête
Sex, Drugs & Cyril Rool

Messages : 18249
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2014
Age : 50
Localisation : À l'est souvent et parfois complètement à l'ouest

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JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) Empty Re: JUDAS PRIEST - Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024)

Message par Pietro Mer 11 Nov 2020, 11:23

C'est plutôt Peter Criss et Ace Frehley qui se sont fait remplacés en secret, non ? :huh?:

JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) Fb_cou10

UNCHAINED - Only Half Alive

UNCHAINED - This is Hell
UNCHAINED - Black as your Soul
UNCHAINED - Conspiracy for Fools
UNCHAINED - The Great Disease (DRUM CAM)

Boutique en ligne UNCHAINED
Divid Coverdead

Messages : 10966
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2014
Age : 45
Localisation : Nissa la Bella


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JUDAS PRIEST -  Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024) Empty Re: JUDAS PRIEST - Invincible Shield (8 mars 2024)

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