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JORN - Heavy Rock Radio (3 juin)

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JORN - Heavy Rock Radio (3 juin) Empty JORN - Heavy Rock Radio (3 juin)

Message par Pietro Ven 03 Juin 2016, 15:16

Oh un disque de reprises, comme c'est original !  :lol:

JORN - Heavy Rock Radio (3 juin) Jornheavyrockradiocd

Frontiers Music Srl will release JORN's new album, "Heavy Rock Radio", on June 3.

One of the greatest rock singers of our time, Jorn Lande returns with a unique album of covers of classics from artists and bands that have meant something special to him, and helped forge this talented man's own unique style.

The official video for Jorn's version of "Hotel California", which was originally recorded by the EAGLES, can be seen below.

Through Jorn's extensive career, which includes more than 40 albums of mostly original songs, he has also recorded great versions of several rock classics such as THIN LIZZY's "Are You Ready", UFO's "On And On", DEEP PURPLE's "Perfect Strangers", and many more. Jorn also recorded a successful Ronnie James Dio tribute album, released in 2010. Every song JORN covers is treated with the utmost respect and "Jorn-ized" accordingly. A good example is his heavy sounding version of "I Walk Alone", first released by Tarja Turunen (ex-NIGHTWISH).

"Heavy Rock Radio" is not an ordinary album of cover songs; it is truly a songbook of hits. Featured — among others — are great versions of the EAGLES' "Hotel California" and Kate Bush's "Running Up That Hill", which gets the Jorn style treatment to become very powerful and epic, without losing its commercial touch. More great classics included are John Farnham's "You're The Voice", QUEEN's "Killer Queen", and two absolute melodic rock evergreen gems in JOURNEY's "Don't Stop Believin'" and FOREIGNER's "Rev On The Red Line".

The original concept of the album was to create a sort of jukebox of radio hits, but to avoid leaning too much on the pop side of rock, JORN decided to blend the track listing with a few more up tempo rock tracks as well, such as "The Final Frontier" by IRON MAIDEN ("probably the closest you get to anything commercial with IRON MAIDEN," says Jorn), "Live To Win" by Paul Stanley (a song which was also featured on the popular television series "South Park"), and a few hard rock classics show up as well from DEEP PURPLE ("Stormbringer"), DIO ("Rainbow In The Dark") and BLACK SABBATH ("Die Young") to complete the mix.

Jorn says: "The most important thing was to treat these songs with respect towards the original versions. My goal was always to think that the original artist would be honored and find my version relevant. At the same time, my intention was never to try to compete with the original song and artist, but make it a strong alternative version to enjoy. At the same time, it is a well-deserved homage to these artists and bands who influenced me strongly, and I have wanted to record these songs for quite some time but was always too busy writing and recording my own songs to make it happen. Originally, I had a list of 40-50 songs I wanted to do, but I had to strip it down to about 15 songs before deciding on the final tracklist. This means that there are some unfinished business musically, and I will most likely record more of these songs in the future."

Since releasing the critically acclaimed Dracula "Swing Of Death" album last year, Jorn has also been working on an album of brand new songs, which will be the follow-up to the 2013 JORN album "Traveller", to be released in early 2017.

Jorn's catalogue is getting too long to include in brief press statements, and his innovative and creative skills have led to him selling millions of albums worldwide and being a frequent entry on sales charts around the world, including Billboard. Worth a mention is his years with MASTERPLAN, with whom he recorded three albums. Claimed to be the biggest selling Norwegian musical export, since the pop band A-HA, Jorn continues his rock crusade, and there are no signs of him slowing down yet.

The title "Heavy Rock Radio" came quite naturally, as the sound of this album feels like if it's tailor made for any rock radio station, and while Jorn's voice can be enjoyed on more than 40 albums in different rock and metal styles, this record is a special treat which will tide over all the fans waiting for the new original album which is being worked on at the moment.

"Heavy Rock Radio" track listing includes:

01. I Know There's Something Going On
02. Running Up That Hill
03. Rev On The Red Line
04. You're The Voice
05. Live To Win
06. Don't Stop Believin'
07. Killer Queen
08. Hotel California
09. Rainbow In The Dark
10. The Final Frontier
11. Stormbringer
12. Die Young

Recording lineup:

Jorn Lande: Vocals
Trond Holter: Guitar
Francesco Iovino: Drums
Thomas Bekkevold: Bass
Alessandro Del Vecchio: Keyboards

Except as follows:

"Rainbow in the Dark"

Jimmy Iversen and Tore Moren - guitar
Nic Angileri - bass
Willy Bendiksen - drums


Jorn Viggo Lofstad - guitar
Sid Ringsby - bass
Willy Bendiksen - drums

JORN - Heavy Rock Radio (3 juin) Fb_cou10

UNCHAINED - Only Half Alive

UNCHAINED - This is Hell
UNCHAINED - Black as your Soul
UNCHAINED - Conspiracy for Fools
UNCHAINED - The Great Disease (DRUM CAM)

Boutique en ligne UNCHAINED
Divid Coverdead

Messages : 11062
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2014
Age : 46
Localisation : Nissa la Bella


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JORN - Heavy Rock Radio (3 juin) Empty Re: JORN - Heavy Rock Radio (3 juin)

Message par merci foule fête Ven 03 Juin 2016, 16:06

La pochette, le titre de l'album :hung:
Et puis quelle audace dans le choix des titres ! :lol:
Alessandro Del Vecchio, le claviériste, c'est un requin de studio employé régulièrement par Frontiers, sa page dans Metal Archives est longue comme le bras et encore, le site ne recense pas tous le groupes d'aor, comme "notre" divine Issa avec laquelle il a déjà joué (enfin, sur un album, je veux dire) : http://www.leseternels.net/chronique.aspx?id=5543).

"Be adult, be mature, but never be a grown-up" Dustin Hoffman
merci foule fête
merci foule fête
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JORN - Heavy Rock Radio (3 juin) Empty Re: JORN - Heavy Rock Radio (3 juin)

Message par Seosamh Ven 03 Juin 2016, 16:17

Running Up That Hill... J'en frémis d'avance...

"Considère qu'on n'est plus amis, Abitbol !" (moi)

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JORN - Heavy Rock Radio (3 juin) Empty Re: JORN - Heavy Rock Radio (3 juin)

Message par Pietro Jeu 07 Juil 2016, 18:59

Seosamh a écrit:Running Up That Hill... J'en frémis d'avance...

JORN - Heavy Rock Radio (3 juin) Fb_cou10

UNCHAINED - Only Half Alive

UNCHAINED - This is Hell
UNCHAINED - Black as your Soul
UNCHAINED - Conspiracy for Fools
UNCHAINED - The Great Disease (DRUM CAM)

Boutique en ligne UNCHAINED
Divid Coverdead

Messages : 11062
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2014
Age : 46
Localisation : Nissa la Bella


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JORN - Heavy Rock Radio (3 juin) Empty Re: JORN - Heavy Rock Radio (3 juin)

Message par Pietro Mar 19 Nov 2019, 18:11

Et bien voila déja la suite: Heavy Rock Radio II - Executing The Classics ! :lol:

JORN - Heavy Rock Radio (3 juin) JORN-Heavy-Rock-Radio-COVER_800_600x600

Simply one of the greatest rock singers of our time, Jorn Lande returns with a second installment of covers of classics from artists and bands that have meant something special to him and helped forge this talented man's own unique style.

Through Jorn's extensive career, which includes more than 40 albums of mostly original songs, he has recorded great versions of several rock classics from classic bands such as DIO, Thin Lizzy, UFO, Deep Purple, and many more.

Every song JORN covers is treated with the utmost respect and "Jorn-ized" accordingly, just like the first "Heavy Rock Radio" album showed with amazing cover versions of evergreen songs such as "I know There's Something Going On", "Hotel California", "You're The Voice," "Running Up That Hill," and several others. Fans showed a lot of enthusiasm and interest for those versions, so a follow-up covers album seemed a no-brainer.

This second album, "Heavy Rock Radio II – Executing The Classics", is not an ordinary album of cover songs, it is truly a songbook of hits. Featured - among others - are great versions of Pages’ "I Do Believe in You," Foreigner's "Night Life", Don Henley's "New York Minute," Deep Purple's "Bad Attitude," a stunning metal version of Peter Gabriel's "The Rhythm of the Heat," and of course an unmissable Dio cover, "Mystery".

More "jukebox" type of covers include "Quinn the Eskimo (The Mighty Quinn)" originally recorded by Bob Dylan, Bryan Adams' "Lonely Nights", Jackie DeShannon "Needles And Pins", and a very personal choice from the man himself, a Russ Ballard song, “Winning”.

Jorn says: "The most important thing was to treat these songs with respect towards the original versions, my goal was always to think that the original artist would be honoured and find my version relevant. At the same time my intention was never to try to compete with the original song and artist, but make it a strong alternative version to enjoy."

Jorn's catalogue is getting too long to include in brief press statements, and his innovative and creative skills have led to him selling millions of albums worldwide and being a frequent entry on sales charts around the world, including Billboard. Worth a mention is his years with German based Masterplan, whom he recorded three albums with. Jorn continues his rock crusade, and there are no signs of him slowing down yet.

1. Lonely Nights
2. Winning
3. New York Minute
4. Needles And Pins
5. Love
6. I Do Believe In You
7. Nightlife
8. Bad Attitude
9. Quinn The Eskimo (The Mighty Quinn)
10. Mystery
11. The Rhythm Of The Heat
12. Hotel California (Remastered - Bonus Track)
13. The Final Frontier (Radio Edit - Bonus Track)
14. Die Young (Radio Edit - Bonus Track)
15. Naked City (Radio Edit - Bonus Track)
16. Ride LIke The Wind (Remastered - Bonus Track)

Jorn Lande / Vocals
Tore Moren / Guitar
Sid Ringsby / Bass
Francesco Jovino / Drums
Alessandro Del Vecchio / Keyboards
Special Guitar Appearances By:
Jgor Gianola
Luca Princiotta
Andrea Seveso
Trond Holter
Maurizio Cardullo - Bagpipes on "Winning"

JORN - Heavy Rock Radio (3 juin) Fb_cou10

UNCHAINED - Only Half Alive

UNCHAINED - This is Hell
UNCHAINED - Black as your Soul
UNCHAINED - Conspiracy for Fools
UNCHAINED - The Great Disease (DRUM CAM)

Boutique en ligne UNCHAINED
Divid Coverdead

Messages : 11062
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2014
Age : 46
Localisation : Nissa la Bella


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JORN - Heavy Rock Radio (3 juin) Empty Re: JORN - Heavy Rock Radio (3 juin)

Message par Pietro Dim 19 Juin 2022, 18:17

JORN - Heavy Rock Radio (3 juin) Fb_cou10

UNCHAINED - Only Half Alive

UNCHAINED - This is Hell
UNCHAINED - Black as your Soul
UNCHAINED - Conspiracy for Fools
UNCHAINED - The Great Disease (DRUM CAM)

Boutique en ligne UNCHAINED
Divid Coverdead

Messages : 11062
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2014
Age : 46
Localisation : Nissa la Bella


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JORN - Heavy Rock Radio (3 juin) Empty Re: JORN - Heavy Rock Radio (3 juin)

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